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Evtushenkov Vladimir Petrovich

23.02.2018 22:42
Evtushenkov Vladimir Petrovich



Born September 25, 1948 in village Kaminshchina of the Smolensk region. In 1967-1973 he studied in the Moscow D. Mendeleev Institute of Chemical Technology, graduated as "process engineer". In 1973-1975 - master, senior master, chief of a site of Sverdlov factory of the Ministry of Mechanical Engineering of the USSR in Dzerzhinsk (Gorky region). In 1975-1982 - chief of shop, deputy director, chief engineer of Karacharovsky factory of plastics (Moscow).

In 1980 he graduated from Economic faculty of the Moscow State University. In 1982-1987 - chief engineer, first deputy to general director of Research and Manufacturing combine "Polimerbyt". In 1987-1988 - chief of Technical management of Moscow Executive Committee of City Soviet of People's Deputies. In 1988-1989 - Head of Central Administrative Board on Science and Technologies of Moscow Executive Committee of the City Soviet of People's Deputies. In 1990 Jury Luzhkov appointed Vladimir Yevtushenkov to the post of the chairman of Moscow Committee on Science and Technology.

From 1991 till 1993 - chairman of the board of directors of ZAO «Moscow Committee on Science and Technology» (MCST). On the basis of MCST «Sistema» started to be created.

Since 1993 - chairman of the board of directors of AFK «Sistema».

Creation of telecommunication division of «Sistema» began in summer, 1996. AFK «Sistema» together with OAO "MGTS" founded on an equal footing «Center TS». MGTS placed into trust to the new joint venture the majority of the branches: AO «Moscow cellular communication»; AO «Inter-regional transit telecom»; AO «Mobile TeleSystems»; TOO "Infocom"; TOO "VAST"; scientific and technological centre "Comset"; AO «Moscow telecommunication corporation»; AO "VOLS"; AO «Moscow Teleport»; AO "Expo-Telecom"; AO "Combellga"; AO "RoSprint"; TOO «Russian imposed systems» (RON); AO “Radiopage”.

From 1997 to 1999 Yevtushenkov was the chairman of board of directors of OAO Broadcasting Company "TV Center".

On parliamentary elections of 1999 AFK «Sistema» actively supported Jury Luzhkov's party "Fatherland".

In June, 2000 ADR of MTS were placed at New York stock exchange.

In 2001 MTS declared purchase of 100% of shares of Petersburg mobile communication operator "Telecom-XXI", therefore MTS became the first Moscow cellular operator which broke monopoly of Petersburg telecommunication holding "Telecominvest" in northern capital.

In July, 2002 the corporation published information regarding its owners. Then it was found out that almost 76% of «Sistema» belonged to its founder Vladimir Yevtushenkov. Thus, chairman of the board of directors of AFK «Sistema» became officially recognized billionaire after presidents of YUKOS and "LUKOIL" Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Vahid Alekperov and co-owners of "Wimm-Bill-Dann".
Source:, 5/31/2009

In March, 2003 the holding headed by Yevtushenkov got 10 % of shares of the German company Deutsche Telekom supervising 40.1 % shares in the capital of the Russian cellular company MTS.

In March, 2004 Yevtushenkov was elected as the chairman of the Board of guardians of fund of development of the State Russian museum (SRM) "Friends of Russian museum".

On January, 24th, 2005 Yevtushenkov was appointed to the post of the president of OAO "AFK ‘Sistema'" and on January 24, 2006 he left this post and became the chairman of board of directors of «Sistema».

In February, 2006 «Sistema» got the operator of a cable television "Incorporated cable networks" (ICS). The sum of transaction according to newspaper "Kommersant" was 100 million dollars. After the deal was completed AFK «Sistema» became the second-large cable television operator in Russia conceding only to the structures belonging to the company "Nafta-Moscow".

In February, 2007 it became known that the company headed by Yevtushenkov signed a major deal having sold the share in insurance company "ROSNO" to the German concern Allianz. The sum of transaction was 750 million dollars.

According to Forbes magazine by January, 2005 Yevtushenkov’s fortune made 2.4 billion dollars. In 2006 the founder and the largest shareholder of AFK «Sistema» (businessman owned 63.1 % shares of AFK) was included again in the list of billionaires and occupied 93rd place in the world rating with the fortune of 6,3 billion dollars. And in March, 2008 he was on the 77th place with the fortune of 10 billion dollars.

By data of 2008, Yevtushenkov is a member of the Government Commission on Science and Innovation Policy, the Russian President’s Council on Science and High Technology and National Council on Corporate Governance, Russian Olympians Foundation and Governmental Council on Nanotechnology. Doctor of Economics, member of Russian Engineering Academy, International academy of communication; Awarded with the order of Russian Orthodox Church of Saint Sergey Radonezhsky.

Yevtushenkov is married. His wife - Yevtushenkova Natalia Nikolaevna heads IBRD Management. Yevtushenkov has two children: Tatyana (1976, since 2008 - the adviser to the president of "Sberbank" Herman Gref) and Felix (1978, in 2008 he is appointed to the post of vice-president of AFK «Sistema»).
Source:, 4/22/2009

In Forbes world rating-2010 Yevtushenkov occupies the 93rd place. His fortune is estimated in $7500 million (last year - $1200 million)



Vladimir Yevtushenkov is closely connected with Mayor of Moscow Jury Luzhkov. They got acquainted in the late eighties. Luzhkov then held a post of the head of the Office of Science and Technology in Minhimprom of the USSR. When in 1990 Luzhkov was elected as the chairman of Moscow Executive Committee of the City Soviet of People's Deputies Yevtushenkov became the chairman of Moscow City Committee on Science and Technology. Mass-media inform that Yevtushenkov and Luzhkov are married to sisters. According to other data, their wives are not relatives at all.
Source:, "Vedomosti", 7/8/2005

Mass-media named Yevtushenkov as mayor’s investor. As it was informed Yevtushenkov financed election campaign of party "Fatherland – All Russia" during parliamentary elections of 1999. But investments were insufficient and representatives of OVR didn’t get to the State Duma. Mass-media informed that after that relations of Moscow mayor and Yevtushenkov worsened a little: the mayor openly accused head of AFK of inability to provide "Fatherland" with necessary financing. But, according to the press, it did not reflect Yevtushenkov's business.
Source: «Time of news» №37, 3/4/2002, Gazeta.Ru, 8/10/2005

As it was informed, the part of the most attractive property of Moscow was simply made over to "Sistema". Of course, "tenders" and "competitions" were formally held; but without any serious investments. According to the press, tens enterprises "voluntary” transferred their stock to “Sistema”. "Intourist", for example, was headed by the councilor of directors of “Sistema” Anatoly Yarochkin. MGTS gave a quarter of share holding; the structure of board of directors of Ersi-bank included the president of “Sistema” Novitsky. In the press it was written that the best Moscow real estate was actually transferred to “Sistema” by Moscow property committee without any tender.
Source: Novaya Gazeta, 13.10.98

According to the mass-media, in 1994, the basic division of AFK «Sistema» - "Sistema-Telecom" created a joint venture together with OAO "MGTS". Then it received into trust shares of "subsidiaries" of state MGTS: AO «Moscow cellular communication»; AO «Inter-regional transit telecom»; AO «Mobile TeleSystems»; TOO "Infocom"; TOO "VAST"; scientific and technological centre "Comset"; AO «Moscow telecommunication corporation»; AO "VOLS"; AO «Moscow Teleport»; AO "Expo-Telecom"; AO "Combellga"; AO "RoSprint"; TOO «Russian imposed systems» (RON); AO “Radiopage”. In a press it is noticed that the joint venture received function of profit manager and maintenance of the equipment of "subsidiaries" was still a duty of state MGTS. As it is informed «Sistema» used also the similar scheme for capture of a scientific and technical complex in Zelenograd; then AO "Angstrem" and AO "Micron" located there began to produce microchips and city telephones of new generation for «Sistema».
Source: "Company" №12, 4/2/2001, "Stringer", July 2000

On hearings, Vladimir Yevtushenkov repeatedly met the leader of Solntsevskaya criminal group Sergey Mikhailov ("Mihas").
Source: «Novaya Gazeta», 13.10.98

Yevtushenkov was named as the direct organizer of the financial pyramid МММ: in 1992 he kind of transferred 500 million roubles for the pyramid organisation to Sergey Mavrodi.

In October, 1997 Yevtushenkov and AFK «Sistema» were mentioned in a press in connection with so-called «petrol war». In Moscow faults in gasoline sale began. Mass-media named it struggle for Moscow refueling between Vladimir Gusinsky ("Bridge") and Vladimir Yevtushenkov («Sistema»). Yevtushenkov acted on the party of Moscow Central fuel company (CFC) which, ostensibly, was supervised by him. It was informed that, under «Sistema’s» plans, Moscow industrial complex of motor repairing service (MPKA) should become integrated with CFC. But the industrial complex owed to "Bridges" enterprises and Gusinsky, as the press wrote, was not going to give it out “for a song". Even execution of director of MPKA Monahov on a summer residence threshold in Tver region who did not wish to join CFC did not calm down "highly contracting parties". But as mass-media informed attempts of CFC to carry out repartition of fuel market of the capital and to catch property of some its enterprises became unsuccessful: Gusinsky won an action. Under Luzhkov's order Moscow Oil Company which was given all stock of CFC was found. The control over MOC was received personally by the mayor of Moscow.
Source: "Kommersant" №34, 9/14/1997, «Novaya Gazeta», 13.10.98

Press describes the conflict which began in 1998 between Vladimir Yevtushenkov and the chairman of Committee on Telecommunications and Mass-media of Moscow Government y Anatoly Lysenko. It was a struggle for the power on the channel «TV Center» (AFK «Sistema» owned 33 % of shares of the channel "TV Center"). As it was informed, Lysenko insisted on full transfer of "TV Center" to the property of Moscow government, and Yevtushenkov suggested to finish participation of «Sistema» in the capital of the channel to 49% and promised to increase financing of "TV Center" according to share holding increase. According to the press, Yevtushenkov decided to displace the general director of «TV Center» Boris Vishnyak (Vishnyak came to television channel together with Lysenko who created it). In the answer the chairman of Committee on Telecommunications and Mass-media informed the mayor that investment of MCST which was under control of the president of «Sistema» to "TV Center" made only 0,15 %. As it was written, Luzhkov demanded within seven days «to understand this wild situation and to make offers on exception of MSCT from among shareholders in connection with full nonparticipation in financing of «TV Center». Journalists wrote that Luzhkov discontent with Yevtushenkov could be connected not only with unsatisfactory financing of television channel. Journalists saw the main reason was that the mayor counted on long-term cooperation with Vladimir Gusinsky: it was informed on plans to unite the Most-bank with Bank of Moscow and to adjust information cooperation of Moscow government with NTV channel belonging to Gusinsky. And it was incompatible with strengthening of positions of Yevtushenkov.

As a result, as the press wrote, in April 1999, a television channel management of "TV Center" was ordered to begin preparation for transformation OAO "TV Center" to the state joint-stock company. AO "Moscow Committee on a Science and Technology" (MCST) headed by chairman of AFK «Sistema» Vladimir Yevtushenkov automatically left structure of shareholders of the channel.
Source: «Kommersant» № 20 (1664), 2/13/1999, "Kommersant" № 64 (1708), 4/16/1999

According to press messages, AFK «Sistema» from time to time appeared in scandal situations in connection with checks of legality of privatization of MGTS.

In 2000 the Audit Chamber inspected it on demand of the deputy of the State Duma Leonid Maevsky. Auditors came to conclusion that Moscow property committee owning shares of MGTS contrary to the decision of State property committee of the Russian Federation sold at investment competition to Moscow committee on science and technology (MCST) not 21 %, but 25 % of shares of the operator. It was noticed that MCST was headed by present president of AFK «Sistema» Vladimir Yevtushenkov. As the press wrote, the winner of the competition could arrange additional share issue of MGTS at a rate of 50 % of an authorized capital stock and redeem them; MCST did in 1998. It was informed that the redeemed shares were transferred to AFK «Sistema» which thus became the owner of 56 % of MGTS.
Source: «Kommersant» № 243 (3327), 12/24/2005

In four days after commission occurrence the mass-media informed that deputy Ageev withdrew inquiries from police concerning legality of privatization of OAO MGTS. Ageev explained that he made such decision after he carefully studied materials of the previous. Experts assumed that check of results of MGTS privatization could be stopped by the will of the Petersburg group of networkers (holding "Telecom") and AFK «Sistema». According to analysts due to coming privatization of "Svyazinvest" representatives of «Sistema» could convince quickly Petersburg partners that current interests of "Svyazinvest" should be renounce for the sake of realisation of more global plans.
Source: «Kommersant» № 245 (3329), 12/28/2005

AFK «Sistema» was twice mentioned in the press in connection with building in memorial estate territory "Tsaritsino" scandal. According to the messages of mass-media, in the end of 2002 the Moscow government published the order according to which in "Tsaritsino" there should be constructed a housing estate for the needy. It was planned that project would be realized by company "Mosdachtrest" (by data at that moment, the company was included into "Sistema-Gals" which was a part of holding AFK «Sistema»). But under public pressure authorities had to cancel construction near to green space Tsaritsino.

However, elite place was not forgotten and in June, 2006 there was a new decision that by 2008 a chain of club hotels (wooden mini hotels) "Moscow summer residence" with a total area of 5 thousand sq.m. should appear in memorial estate territory "Tsaritsino" and nearest territories. Then this project was also changed – it was referred to idea of VIP-hotels network "Imperial village" with separate cottages executed in different styles, not necessarily wooden, for one or two families. The basic applicant for realisation of the project was called the company "System-Gals" close to the mayoralty, 70 % of which belonged to AFK «Sistema».
Sources:, November 2005,, 4/6/2007

In the beginning of 2004 AFK «Sistema» appeared in the scandal connected with sale of the residence of Alexey Tolstoy. It was informed that the architectural monument of federal value created by architect Shehtel changed the owner absolutely unexpectedly for employees of a museum: utility contract was simply terminated. Then it was found out that the building had a new proprietor – OOO "Eurostroy". But the Construction Company was the last in the chain. Its heads bought up a private residence for the high price from the former owner - a certain welfare fund "Society of encouragement of arts" which was founded by AFK «Sistema». Moscow property committee was the co-owner. Mass-media informed that Moscow property committee simply hided the fact of sale and instead of being on city balance the residence moved from one private person to another for half a year. As it was informed, during the sale it seems it was simply "thrown out" from the list of monuments of architecture.
Source: «Weekly news», 3/28/2004

In the end of 2005, as the press wrote, the conflict between AFK «Sistema» and telecommunication company ASVT because of MTS shares began. ASVT submitted the claim with the requirement to indemnify a loss at a rate of 50 billion rubles (more than 1.75 billion. dollars). The basis for the claim, as it was reported, became the failure of contract execusion by AFK which «Sistema» concluded with ASVT more than 10 years ago. Under this contract ASVT transferred to the possession of «Sistema» holding 19 % of shares of the cellular operator MTS. In an exchange, according to the press, «Sistema» gave ASVT a share holding in under control of AFK AOOT "Noel" which appeared "shell" - all actives were deduced from it. Mass-media, referring to data from ASVT informed that the general director of this company Anastasia Ositis was forced to “present” MTS shares to «Sistema»: some attempts were made for her.

In the press there is an assumption that the claim submitted 10 years later after the event was kind of pressure on AFK «Sistema» in connection with outlined privatization of "Svyazinvest".
Source: Aloud.Ru, 11/30/2005, "Independent newspaper", 10/17/2005

Soon after press wrote that having submitted some claims ASVT could win one of them. But it did not mean that the court supported it in dispute for MTS shares. In mass-media it is not mentioned anything regarding results of the suit.
Source:, 10/28/2005

As it was written in the press, in 2009 AFK «Sistema» had to give the developer company "System-Gals" for the nominee price. According to mass-media, by the end of September, 2008 the general debt of AFK reached $9.4 billion. On December, 1st, 2008 AFK had to put up all share holding of “Sistema-Gals” (71.1 %) to VTB. Net loss of OAO “Sistema-Gals” in the first half of 2009 made $110,79 million, the revenue was reduced in 4 times - to $47,731 million. As a result, "System-Gals" passed under control of the basic creditor - VTB.
Source:, 3/10/2010,, 9/14/2009, "Kommersant" № 54 (4109), 3/27/2009

The latest scandal connected with AFK «Sistema» started in March, 2010. The owner of the company "Sigma Capital Partners" Leonid Maevsky (by the way the same name had the deputy of the State Duma under which initiative in 2000 the Audit Chamber inspected legality of privatization of MGTS) accused AFK «Sistema» of intention to grasp of 20 % Volga region cellular operator SMARTS belonging to him and aspiration to make "Sigma" bankrupt. As it was informed, in the end of 2005 "Sigma" got at VEB the rights of the requirement of debts of one of SMARTS shareholders in amount of $56.3 million and through the court demanded to compensate the sum together with interests or intended to turn collecting on the shares of the operator. In the autumn of 2009 Leonid Maevsky announced himself as the new owner of "Sigma". A bit later court confirmed the rights of this company to a debt together with interest at a rate of $78.52 million. In the beginning of 2010 Maevsky and the basic shareholder of SMARTS Gennady Kiryushin signed the agreement of lawsuit promising to withdraw all claims to each other, and the right of “Sigma” to own 19,97 % of SMARTS were fixed. According to the press, AFK «Sistema» sent the letter to VEB in which it declared that it had rights of the requirement for 32 % of shares of SMARTS which are kept in depository of this bank. Together with the letter to bank the package of the documents confirming the rights of the requirement of corporation for shares of SMARTS were sent also. According to mass-media, «Sistema» asserts that several years ago it bought up the requirement right on debts of the operator.
Source:, 3/15/2010

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