Place of birth: Bykovo Vilegorodsky district, Arkhangelsk region, Russia
Residency: Ukraine, Kiev
Education: Arkhangelsk State Medical Institute
Family status: Married
Children: 6 children
Since December 2003 – member of the State Duma Federal Assembly of the fourth convocation, member of the faction "United Russia", member of the State Duma Committee on Natural Resources and Environment;
Born January 29, 1958 in the Arkhangelsk region;
He graduated from the dental department of the Arkhangelsk State Medical Institute, and in 1994 received the Certificate of School of Business at the University of Portland (Oregon), and in 1998 graduated from the All-Russia Correspondence Financial and Economic Institute with a degree in management, doctor of economic sciences;
1980 - He worked as a dentist;
1991-1996 - General Director of ECP KP "Titan";
1994 - General Director of Open Society LHK "Northern Pulp";
Since 1995 - Member of the Board of Directors of Open Society LHK "Northern Pulp";
1995 - Member of the Board of Directors of Company "Jubilee";
Since 1995 - Member of the Board of Directors of JSC "Ust-Pokshensky LPH";
Since 1996 - General Director of Open company PKP "Titan", General Director of IR "Titan-Invest, chairman of the Board of Directors of “Arhoblsnab";
1996-1998 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of “Arhangelskkontrakt ";
Since 1997 - Director General of JSC "Arkhbum”, Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC" Arkhangelsk PPM";
1997-1998 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO "Arkhangelsk LDK # 1", JSC Company "Jubilee";
since 1998 - Member of the Boards of Directors of JSC "AZHKB", Open Society "ATSDT", Open Society "Arhangelskkontrakt", Open Society "Vaymugales", Open Society "Premier", "Ust-Pokshengsky LPH";
since 1999 - Member of the Board of Directors in “Karpogorsky LPH ", Open Society "Pinegales", OAO" Siya KLPH ", Open Society "Shalakushales", Open Society "Shalakushsky timber”, chairman of the Board of Directors of “Sawmill # 25";
From May 1999 to May 2000 - Member of the Board of Directors of JSCB "Russian capital”;
On June 18, 2000 was elected deputy to the Arkhangelsk Regional Assembly of the third convocation of the electoral district # 26, was nominated by voters; in the Assembly headed the committee on ecology, forestry industry and forestry sectors, in October 2000 was elected chairman of the Employers' Association of “Industrialists of Pomorye”; was elected member of the State Duma on single-mandate constituency # 61 (Arkhangelsk Region, Arkhangelsk Area.); Awarded the medal "For merits before Fatherland" II degree, married, has a son and a daughter.
Krupchak is not particularly fond of legislative activities.
He initiated the following laws:
- Federal Law "On Amending the Federal Law "On the continental shelf of the Russian Federation”, and Federal Law "On the exclusive economic zone of Russia" in part to comply with the Federal Law “On Fishing and Conservation of aquatic biological resources " Date of entry in DG: 24.12.2004. Published.
- Federal Law "On amendments to some legislative acts of Russia and Repeal of certain provisions of the RF laws in connection with the adoption of the Federal Law "On Procurement of goods, works and services for state and municipal needs"" Date of entry in DG: 07.09.2005. Published.
- Federal Law "On Amending the Federal Law "About fishing and preserving aquatic biological resources "and the Land Code of Russia" in the specification part of forming of the fishing grounds. Date of entry in DG: 30.05.2006. Published.
Vladimir Krupchak - is Doctor of Economic Sciences (2004), master of sports of trap shooting. He is a full knight of the Order "For Merit". In 2013, «Forbes» magazine included Vladimir Yaroslavovych in the rating of "100 richest Ukrainian businessmen," estimated his fortune at $ 273 million. (38 place).
The Dossier:
In the mid-90 Vladimir Krupchak while still being a dentist at a military hospital in Arkhangelsk, with the help of his wife's father George Perfilov, chairman of KUGI of the Arkhangelsk region, made his way to the administration of Arkhangelsk pulp and paper mill (PPM) - Europe's largest company of this industry. Then Krupchak stopped paying wages to PPM employees and forced them to sell their shares. When the time of cash privatization auction came, partner of Krupchak - criminal authority Borisov - did not allow competitors to take part in it, and father-in-law of Krupchaka Perfilov controlled the process.
By Perfilov’s decision, stock companies with numerous violations of legislation were introduced in the statutory fund of the holding "Northern Pulp", which was headed by Krupchak. CBK shares fell to him almost for nothing, but at the same time, the State suffered damages amounting to 60 million dollars. The state originally planned to invest 20% stake of APPM in eponymous holding company, but Perfilov insisted on its transfer to the "North cellulose” and Krupchak then forwarded it to his “foreign partners". After that the package was sold and split up overseas many times, and in 2005 it got consolidated in the Austrian company "PalpMillHolding.
«No more pulling is possible", "Kompromat.ru" 22.09.2005, "Who would take a bribe?" "Parity-media", 14.11.2008.
Numerous criminal cases were brought for Krupchak, all of them related to theft of state funds to some respect. Business structure controlled by him appeared in all the cases.
On March 21, 2000, a criminal case against the former chairman of KUGI (committee for the administration of state property) of the Arkhangelsk region Perfilov and CEO LHK "Northern Pulp" Krupchak was filed on the fact of embezzlement or misappropriation of another's property. The criminal case was instituted in connection with the publication of Perfilov’s illegal orders, according to which 20% of the shares of APPM were made to the charter capital of LHK "Northern Pulp". On July 6, 2004, Tver district court in Moscow ordered the arrest of 20% shares in Open Society "Arkhangelsk PPM".
In the spring of 2002 representatives of the company “Basic Element” suggested to buy from Krupchak a controlling stake of APPM, but Krupchak refused. Since then the security forces had been putting pressure on the company and on the group "Titan". For example, in early October there was series of searches in Arkhangelsk office of "Titan". Experts called initiated attention to companies of Krupchak "forest wars", as it had a powerful administrative resource, attracted by his main opponent - the head of Basic Element, Oleg Deripaska.
The essence of the conflict between Krupchak and Deripaska was that the aluminum magnate Deripaska wanted to create a single timber holding, for which he needed Arkhangelsk Pulp and Paper Mill, the country's largest producers of cardboard. In autumn 2004, Deripaska managed to acquire 20% stake in the company, and representatives of "Basic Element" claimed a seat in the board of directors of APPM. Compromising on Krupchak was advantageous to Deripaska - so he could pressure him in order to include the company in his holding.
Rosbalt, "02/02/2005 "Forest wars "are back to the Arkhangelsk region," Exile of "Titan," "Vedomosti", 29/10/2003, "Offended voters" from Bazel Rosbalt, 27.10.2004, "Fontanka.Ru", 18/12/2009," "The Forest War" embarked on a criminal path"
On September 11, 2003, another criminal case was brought under Art. 159 Part 3, paragraph "b" of the Criminal Code (fraud) in fact of deliberate overstatement of contribution value of the MPs "Ruta" to the authorized capital LHK "Northern Pulp" 500 times. That was conducted by the general director of MPs "Ruta" V.I. Runov in collusion with Krupchak (LHK General Director and Director / owner of IPE "Titan"). That led to a wrongful taking of 60% of the “LHK" shares by the “third-party” investors, and to the subsequent assignment of the "Arkhangelsk PPM" shares and their partial sale. Firm "Ruth was a partner of the firm" Titan ", which was wholly owned by Krupchak. These two companies turn out to be the participants of the state shares theft. According to the investigation information, Runov was not more than a figurehead, but the true owner of the MP "Ruth" was Krupchak.
The Moscow Post, 02.10.2008 “Volodya - 10 percents”
In December 2004, criminal proceedings were instituted against Krupchak on the fact of theft of public funds. But Krupchak time managed to get to the State Duma in time, being elected from single-mandate constituency in Arkhangelsk, and thus received four years of parliamentary immunity to evade responsibility in the case of "Northern Pulp".
His election Krupchak owed to his fellow countryman, at that time the former head of the Central Election Commission Alexander Veshnyakov, who sent his representatives to the Supreme Court of Russia on the eve of elections to restore Krupchak in the electoral lists. Details of their relationship are not known yet; but it becomes clear from this fact that Veshnyakov owed something to Krupchak. The fact is that by the time Krupchak had been expelled from the party "United Russia" for "undermining the authority” of the Party and had been removed from the election because of vote-forgery. In early October 2004 an initiative group of citizens in the Arkhangelsk region was established for the early termination of the deputy Krupchak’s office as the one not justified the confidence of voters.
Fontanka.Ru, 18/12/2009, "The Forest War "embarked on a criminal path", "Who would take a bribe?" "Parity-media", 14.11.2008, LADNO.ru
Yet, Krupchak did not get to the new list of candidates in the Duma from the party “United Russia” - because of the personal order of President Vladimir Putin. Moreover, Krupchak was indicted in a criminal case "Northern Pulp", and he was declared wanted. Krupchak was detained when he flew from Simferopol, and suddenly he turned out to be a citizen of Ukraine on the documents. But Ukraine does not extradite its citizens to law enforcement authorities of foreign countries.
Based on the collected material on the criminal case "Northern Pulp" the Federal Property Management Agency filed lawsuit to Moscow Arbitration Court in order to oblige the "PalpMillHolding” which had kept the stolen state-owned shares APPM to compensate the harm caused to Russia, and return the shares.
November 6, 2009 the Moscow District Arbitration Court rejected the claim of the "Federal Property Management Agency" to recover from "PalpMillHoldinga" 20% of APPM, which were improperly disposed of during the privatization of the plant. And in early February 2010 "Federal Property Management Agency" appealed the solution to the Supreme Arbitration Court of Russia. According to the plaintiff, the shares were improperly disposed of during the privatization of the plant. Experts indicate that the probability of decisions of previous instances cancellation in the Supreme Arbitration Court is negligible.
"Arkhangelsk PPM came up to you" "Kommersant-SPb" № 30 (4330) on 19/02/2010
It is also known about the cases of assault on the deputy head of the Arkhangelsk region administration A.F. Bulatov, who made public revelations of illegal activity of Krupchak; assaults on investigator of the Interior Ministry SU IC under NWFD of RF B.V. Strigaleva; and case of killing the head of a small business "Ruta" A.V. Burdanov. But Krupchak’s participation in all these cases has not been proved.
Oktyabrsky court of St. Petersburg, considering the arguments of participants of the process, decided to arrest Krupchak. In the near future, an investigation of the Russian Federation intends to announce ex-deputy in the international search. The case is conducted since March 2000. According to investigators, Krupchak illegally held an additional emission of shares of the CPC, which led to the "blurring" of state-owned package and its resale. Shares were resold several times through German and Austrian companies - as a result, their buyer appeared a foreign Pulp Mill Holding, allegedly controlled by Krupchak. But when an investigation received materials that would attract Krupchak to criminal liability, he was already a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. In the case, besides Krupchak, figured a committee chairman of the Arkhangelsk region for the management of state property of Russia Grigory Perfilov. According to his relatives, in the spring of this year, he left a suicide note and jumped from the bridge into the river in Arkhangelsk. But the video camera on the bridge did not record it. Perfilov is considered missing; a search case is initiated upon him. Law enforcement officers suspect that the suicide was staged, and the former official, according to operative data, is also in Ukraine.
TSN Ukraine, 21.12.2009
Before moving to Ukraine, Krupchak built a business in Russia. In the late 1990s, he bought shares of the Arkhangelsk Pulp and Paper Mill - one of the largest in Europe in its field. Then the shareholder of the plant became an Austrian company Pulp Mill Holding. Russian mass media claimed that the transaction was fictitious and the owner has not changed. Krupchak denied it.
He had several reasons to distance himself from the business. The businessman became a deputy of the Russian State Duma and officially had no right to engage in commercial activities. In addition to this, one-third of the shares of the Arkhangelsk plant bought the company "Basic Element" of the influential Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska. Partners - Krupchak and Deripaska - long clashed over lucrative assets. Krupchak became a figurant of the criminal case, and in 2007 went to Ukraine and received citizenship there.
Forbes.ua, 10.06.2013
In June 2008, a police officer approached to the former State Duma deputy Vladimir Krupchak in Simferopol airport. He asked him to produce documents. "They tried to intimidate me", - recalls the businessman. By the time, he was the fourth year the figurant of the criminal case in Russia. The investigation accused him of stealing shares of the Arkhangelsk pulp and paper mill - the largest in Eastern Europe paper maker with an income of under $ 400 million.
Businessman and former member of the "United Russia" demonstrated a Ukrainian passport to the employee of MIA and was gone. It is in Russia Krupchak still under investigation, and in Ukraine, he owns a paper mill, sits in Kiev regional council and receives state awards. With a fortune of $ 273 million, Krupchak occupies the 38-th place in the list of the richest Ukrainians.
...Krupchak is not going to return to Russia. All his six children from two marriages live in Ukraine. There is no time to relax. In April, the Austrian Prinzhorn Holding has opened a plant near Kherson for the production of corrugated packaging. "This is a new headache for us - experiencing Krupchak. - Lets think about how to compete with them. "
Forbes.ua, 08.07.2013
Informed sources in the police authorities, however, believe that these violations pale against the deliberate bankruptcy of the forestry companies and the withdrawal of assets abroad. The money for the sold Arkhangelsk forest, according to the security services, go straight to the Ukraine. "Dnepr-1", "Dnepr-2", "Azov", "Aydar", "Kiev-1", "Donbass" - all of these units are formally assigned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and are fighting south-east of the country, in the area of ATO. And all of these battalions are behind the scenes at the "content" of the Ukrainian oligarchs.
The most famous of them, the TFR announced on Interpol wanted - is a billionaire Igor Kolomoisky (N3 in the list of the richest Ukrainians according to Forbes-2013 with a fortune of $ 2.4 billion). One of his businesses - is an Izmail Pulp and Paper Mill, which is the fourth largest in Ukraine. It is for this business, say informed sources, Kolomoisky is familiar with Vladimir Krupchak (N38 in the list of the richest people of Ukraine with a fortune of $ 273 million). Krupchak - is the owner of the Kiev Cardboard and Paper Mill.
- To make the company work successfully and receive markets, part of the money goes on finance of the Ukrainian security forces, fighting in Donbas - said an informed source on the market. - And Kolomoisky and Krupchak participate in these schemes, although the latter carefully hides this.
Vladimir Krupchak escaped from Russia to Kiev, where he became a sponsor of the party of Viktor Yushchenko in 2007, the "Our Ukraine". And before that, he was a deputy of the State Duma of the "United Russia" and simultaneously a figurant of a loud criminal case on the theft at the largest in Europe Arkhangelsk Pulp and Paper Mill (APPM). The case is not closed until now that, in fact, made Mr. Krupchak to go on the run in his time. In police, reports of 1990 Krupchak appeared as the leader of organized crime groups, who worked hand in hand with crime boss Borisov and under his "roof".
Moscow-post, 01.12.2014
As mass media reported, Orlov actively cooperates with Vladimir Krupchak - a former functionary of the "United Russia", escaped in 2007 to Ukraine. Law enforcement sources believe that the direct participation of Orlov and Krupchak occurred deliberate bankruptcy of forestry enterprises. Krupchak, before the escape to Ukraine, was a deputy of the State Duma of the "United Russia" and the figurant in a loud criminal case on embezzlement on Europe's largest Arkhangelsk Pulp and Paper Mill (APPM). This criminal case is not closed until now, writes The Moscow Post.
In police, reports of 1990 Krupchak appeared as the leader of organized crime groups, who worked hand in hand with crime boss Borisov and under his "roof". In the late 90-ies there was a struggle between criminal groups of the region for Solombalsky sawmills, woodworking plant (SLDK), and "Borisov" group was the most active participant in the battle for control over the enterprise. The result of shootouts was the disappearance of the then general director of SLDK Drachev, which has not yet been disclosed.
Neva.today, 01.12.2014
And a larger Ukrainian business, working on the dollar and the euro, suddenly became not mind to invest something to Russia, where the ruble falls supposedly faster than hryvnia - I do not know in what way. During my stay in Kiev in business mass media of Ukraine appeared an information that the deputy of the Kiev City Council (Kiyivs'ka mіska rada – Ukr.) Vladimir Krupchak, (he is a former Russian citizen, member of the Arkhangelsk Regional Assembly), the current owner of the Kiev Cardboard Combine and toilet paper factory, transferees business again in Russia. Arkhangelsk LDK-3 is now (supposedly) under his financial control.
It is curious that, while living in Arkhangelsk, I did not even hear such things! Under partial control of the Ukrainian big business appeared to be, according to Ukrainian mass media, also a Tsiglomen LDK, Arkhangelsk Pulp and Paper Mill, and 25th sawmill - and they are quite large enterprises. And this, incidentally, is presented as a major victory of "svidomiy" Ukrainian business over "durkovatiy" Russian. In general, the medium-sized business, even belonging to the people, who relate to Russia itself well enough, still began to look to the West, to Europe. This is a purely personal impression. And it would be good if I were wrong...
Pravda.ru, 08.12.2014
Ukraine has become a political haven for Krupchak from prosecution in Russia. In his first interview with Ukrainian mass media, Krupchak admitted that his parents - are natives of Western Ukraine. Of Lvov. He was brought to Arkhangelsk by the will of fate. According Krupchak, after the war, his father - a wealthy farmer - was dispossessed and exiled to the North. A grandfather to Kazakhstan. And, finally, a true son of Galicia returned to their homeland!
(Edition doubt: "dispossessed??" "Rich peasant??" Immediately after the war. And if Krupchak-seniors were not accidentally Bandera. Or volunteer of the SS division "Galicia", of which, as we know, in 1943, in Lvov region enrolled 80 thousands of people? Or policemen, who keep their property intact during the war?)
A comparison of these facts suggests heart that every "arhangelogorodets" (Archangelsk resident), simply by their indifference, may be an indirect participant of the crimes of the Ukrainian Nazi battalion on Donbass.
Kompromat.ru 29, 2014
He is also a member of the Arkhangelsk regional Cabinet, deputy of the State Duma. In 2007, he left his homeland, reseeding from the chair of the State Duma to the chair of Kiev Regional Rada, ceasing to be a citizen and becoming the "Gromadyanin" (The Citizen - Ukrainian).
In Arkhangelsk, Vladimir Krupchak was called a "cardboard king" and "Kommersant-Ukraine," called him "the king of toilet paper."
Vladimir Krupchak - is a man who has an "eternal" business, having attached to the two most important openings of the human body. He produces cardboard, used to make containers for food, and toilet paper. Both things those are necessary to mankind.
Also Vladimir Krupchak at one time invited Decl and Ingrid to Arkhangelsk.
There is information that Vladimir Krupchak is briefly going to return home to the Arkhangelsk region. He is going to do it in February or May holidays. However, many are ready to argue on the bottle of "Hennessey" - favorite drink of the oligarch that Vladimir Yaroslavovych will not return.
Echo Russkogo Severa, 29.01.2015
As the "Dvina Land" notices, in October 2006, Azovsky, at that time, deputy of the regional meeting of the Liberal Democratic Party, was sentenced to 1 year of settlement colony under the part 3 of Article 129 of the Criminal Code (defamation with the prosecution of a serious crime). In February of 2007, transmitted "Arguments and Facts in Arkhangelsk", the regional court replaced the journalist life in colony with a half years of remedial works minus 10 per cent of salary in the favor of the state. During the investigation, Azovsky spent 3 months in jail.
A journalist was attracted to responsibility for the article "Krupchak threw Yushchenko in the thick of pre-election passions in Ukraine", which appeared in the "Truth of North-West" in November 2004. According to "Kommersant", the article stated that Vladimir Krupchak - the then State Duma deputy from the "United Russia" on the Arkhangelsk single-mandate constituency - have promised Viktor Yushchenko, who ran at that time to the Ukrainian president, to organize a meeting with Vladimir Putin for $ 5 million, but didn't fulfill the promise.
Grani.ru, 09/06/2015
"Today Vladimir Yaroslavovych is officially working in the company Pulp Mill Holding in the status of adviser. He helps us to build both tactical and strategic objectives. It would be a sin not to use the experience of the human that once revived the plant from the ashes. And all the rumors around his person can be explained by the fact that successful people always have a lot of envy and ill-wishers ", - said Dmitry Zylev.
APPM CEO also noted that for the mostly Krupchak lives in Italy, as well as he is a frequent visitor to Vienna, where the company is headquartered, in which he operates. Priorities, according Zylev words, Krupchak has changed - now he pays more attention pays to his wife and children, who are Russian citizens.
DvinaInform, 27.08.2015