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Rodin Vladimir Romanovich

23.02.2018 22:43
Rodin Vladimir Romanovich

He was born in Moscow on 12 January 1953.


In 1975 he graduated from the Moscow Mining Institute.

In 1987 he graduated from the Moscow Higher Party School.

In December 2011 - First Deputy General Director of CJSC "Gorod."

In December 2011 he was elected to the State Duma of Russian Federation of the sixth convocation as part of the regional list of the City of Moscow, nominated by the Communist Party of Russian Federation. A member of the Communist Party faction.

Member of the political party "Communist Party of the Russian Federation."



Shares and other participation in the commercial organizations (pre-election declaration, the property on 1.08.2011) of Vladimir Rodin.

CJSC "Gorod" - The Company is engaged in the management and operation of real estate on landscaping. According to Rodin, there were about 130 000 sq. m (public and private facilities) at the company on operation and control in 2005. Curiously, that by the order of the Mayor of Moscow from 06.17.97 E476-RM the municipal property to the address: Kremenchugskaya street, 9, and since January 1995 - for its reconstruction, construction of extension and resettlement of citizens, was transferred to the trust management to the group "Gorod" - the first private enterprises. It was determined to leave 47.5 percent of the lease payments to the group "Gorod".

The founders of the company are: Rodin Vladimir Romanovich, Verigin Igor Arevich, and Novozhilov Leonid Natanovich.

General Director is the Vice-President of the Guild of Managers and Developers, Leonid Novozhilov.

Company Website:


CJSC "Gorod - zhilservis"

In accordance with the NCEA codes, specified at the registration, company is engaged in:

Managing of exploitation of uninhabited fund (main activity);

Managing of exploitation of housing stock (Additional activity);

Rendering of mediation services in buying, selling and renting real estate (Optional activity);

The economic management of the household;

Date of the company registration January 8, 1997.

Founders: Rodin Vladimir Romanovich, Dobrova Elena Victorovna.

CEO: Rodin Vladimir Romanovich.

"Grandesteytservis" LLC.

Founder: Rodin Vladimir Romanovich.


Things that candidates have concealed from the Central Election Commission:

Vladimir Rodin

Shares of CJSC “Gorod”

Data on the participation is missing

Communist Party of Russian Federation


in PJSC "Rostelekom”, LLC



"Industrial and commercial



company Remstroyservis ", LLC



"Building company



Gorod-Invest", CJSC




“Kommersant”, 20.11.2003.


For reference. V.R. Rodin in his time was one of the senior officials of the infamous to the whole country financial pyramid "Hopper invest", which deceived millions of depositors. Besides, the newly elected State Duma deputy V.R. Rodin loves to flaunt on the Duma with the deputy tricolor badge, but not red. A trifle, but very characteristic., 16.01.2012


Showing so angry feelings to voters, it is time for Rodin to appear before the citizens of Moscow as an ardent patriot with the corresponding heroic biography. But, alas - Rodin-the-shouter has only greed and intrigue behind his little soul, as well as his fellow - communist Rashkin. In 1993-1994, Vladimir Rodin worked as the chief accountant of the Financial Pyramid "Hopper-invest". Remember the famous TV commercials from the dashing 90 "Well, here I am in Hopper!"? There is no need to explain in what "Hopper" gullible investors found themselves after the collapse of the pyramid. It is enough to recall that "Hopper" owed to four million Russians about 500 billion of non-denominated rubles. The founders of the company have been put on the international wanted list, some have received real terms, and Rodin miraculously got away under the wing of the Communist Party of Russian federation. In the zero years revving Rodin is already in the position of Deputy General Director of "Gorod.", 01.08.2014


At the end of last week (from 23 to 26 June) in the halls of the sports complex "Olympic" hosted the annual exhibition "Realtex-2004", in which more than two hundred companies, associated with the real estate, were representing to an interested audience new developments, were proposing transactions on a "win-win" conditions and much more ...

When the procedure of "interrogation" was over, I went to a small conference room, where the seminar "Real estate management", very important for me, was held on June 25. Masters of the seminar were General Director of "Gorod" and vice president of the Guild of Managers and Developers (GMD) Novozhilov Leonid Natanovich and his first deputy, Vladimir Romanovich Rodin. It all began with a traditional welcome and gratitude for the fact that all those present gathered in the room (by the way, ended in almost the same). Next speakers sat at the table near their name plates in the order of the queue (only one of them spoke while standing, moving the microphone away all the time, which, however, slightly affected the audibility). Some of the speakers did not have time to meet them in the allotted time period, and then Mr. Rodin took the floor, warning a "talkative" that time if, unfortunately, limited. 09.07.2005


Activity of residents of hostels for their housing rights, adopted a truly nationwide scale, has suffered a temporary setback. Last week, the Moscow City Court dismissed the hostel dwellers in the house number 9 on the Kremenchugskaya Street. Recall, that 16 plaintiffs demand the cancellation of the decision of the government of Moscow № 189 (April 2004), on the basis of which the local authorities refused them in residence permits to the husbands and wives - residents of the hostel. Immersing more deeply in the snare of legal casuistry, the family of the plaintiffs and their less quarrelsome neighbors are all at risk to remain without real estate.

The second application to the 189-th decree obliges the passport offices to register spouses’ holders of the hostel beds only if they will present a written consent of the organization, which in charge for the hostel. Building, located at Kremenchugskaya, 9, is under the responsibility of CJSC "City" for already 10 years - a company specializing in the management of real estate. The company does not give such consent: each new tenant will claim for additional meters. Having at its disposal a former dormitory apartment type of the household CPSU, "Gorod" was to convert the building into housing stock of Moscow City and to order areas, populated by former employees of the household, previously resettling residents. Instead, "Gorod" received four floors of the hostel at their complete disposal - today the company-renters inhabit here.

In CJSC "Gorod", whose foresight on the part of the housing problem cannot be doubted, it is believed that the plaintiffs only worsen their living prospects.

- We have long been able to obtain the status of social housing and to order 184 our employer - told the first deputy general director of CJSC "Gorod" Vladimir Rodin" to Izvestiya". - After that, the couple would have immediately ordered. The water was muddy by those who require separate apartments, and now their lawyers. The others suffer because of them. The privatization of space in the dorms has already been banned by the Housing Code, and the privatization of public housing will be banned from 1 January 2007, and they generally lose the opportunity to get into real estate property. Now they would be able to privatize, underpay and buy individual flats. That many can afford: the Fili-Davydkovo district is expensive; the building is in good condition.

Plaintiffs rightly believe that it is unprofitable to conclude contracts of social hiring, and then privatize communal. According to them, "Gorod" LLC is obliged to provide them with separate apartments - this is how it should be understood the term "hostel resettlement". The Company adheres to another point of view: "settle" - means to provide each family with isolated living space instead of beds.

"Izvestiya". 10.10.2005.


Until now, not all players are aware that the constructed building requires a manager who could competently approach to the areas of operation, and could resolve disputes between the owner and the tenant, said Vladimir Rodin, Deputy General Director of the managing company "Gorod." But this is only effective when the managing company clearly sees the features of their relationship, including financial, and building owner understands, what for does he pay the management company (CC). There is not enough transparency in the regions. In Moscow, according to Rodin, no one also has not told about prices for their services, or about profits, not to mention the publications on this topic in mass media. But today, on his view, we can say that the Moscow managers market has formed, the rules of the game on it are more or less clear, competitions are held in 70-80% of cases. "Right now our company has about 130 000 sq. m (public and private facilities) in operation and control, - says Rodin. - And our services are worth $ 4-7 per 1 sq. m per month, that's $ 50-85 a year. "

"Vedomosti". 24.10.2005


"Auto-Chance XXI century" LLC was created in 1999 ("Auto-Chance XXI century" LLC was established in 2006, in 1999 was established "Auto-Chance XXI" LLC) and worked at the address: Moscow, street Neverovskogo 8, building 12 on the rights of a sub-tenant at the CJSC "Gorod", which was the lessee of the site ("Auto-Chance XXI» LLC was a controversial hangar tenant, but not a plot subtenant).

In 2005, the General Director of "Gorod" Vladimir Rodin (he wasn't the CEO) and General Director of "Auto-Chance XXI Century" LLC ("Auto Chance XXI" LLC) Miri Ugurliev signed a Sale and Purchase Agreement of the metal hangar area of 602 km meters to the address: Moscow, street Neverovskogo 8, structure 12.

The day after the signing of the agreement of purchase and sale of hangar V. Rodin (seller) and M. Ugurliev (buyer) came to the Office of the Moscow Land Committee (now the Department of city property of Moscow) on the CJSC, located at the address: Ivan Franko Street, 8, building 2.

There V. Rodin wrote a letter to the head of the Office of the Moscow Land Committee on CJSC Igor Vladimirovich Manzyuk that he waives the right to lease the land at Neverovskogo Street, 8, building 12 in favor of "Auto-Chance XXI century" ("Chance XXI Auto" LLC).

I. Manzyuk put the following resolution to this statement of V. Rodin: "Allow the transfer of lease rights from CJSC "Gorod" to "Auto-Chance XXI century" LLC ("Chance XXI Auto" LLC). In turn, M. Ugurliev from "Auto-Chance XXI" LLC wrote a declaration of consent to become a tenant of the land to the specified address on the name of I. Manzyuk. However, after a month CJSC "Gorod" in the person of Vladimir Rodin suddenly and without explaining the reasons changed its position and, demanding the termination of the contract of sale, filed a claim to the Arbitration Court of Moscow.

CJSC "Gorod" of Vladimir Rodin wins the case: Moscow Arbitration Court has recognized the sales contract invalid and terminated the contract. The next day, V. Rodin, with the assistance of the employees of district Dorogomilovo OMVD of Moscow expelled the security of "Auto-Chance XXI century" from the territory and put there their own guard.

Thus he made raider seizure that lasted until 2007. From 2005 to 2007 the work of "Auto-Chance XXI century" has been blocked. Rodin broke the law, as at the capture of the object he has not invited bailiffs.


Russian government has put forward the initiative with the mass spread of homeowners in the country several years ago. All sounded tempting: citizens get a house in the property, and the state-benefactor gives them a shelter and a house in the bargain free - take, dispose of, manage and save. In fact, it turned out not so rosy: they, who would not want to HOA - found themselves in it, who dreamed of HOA, barely received a house in management, not the whole, often. Very often, the money from the lease of premises, located in the building, sailed past associations, for which at the same time, was conferring a right to maintain communication and maintain the building.

- In Moscow, the process of creating condominiums is served by the authorities as an inevitable and necessary in the interest of the citizens, but it is hard to believe, considering, how and by whom are condominiums created, - said at a recent "round tables", devoted to issues of HOA, first deputy general director of CJSC "Gorod" Vladimir Rodin. - Judging by our Gagarin district, much of the HOA are fictitiously created. Examples of the houses on Vernadsky Prospekt, 9, and Lomonosov Prospect, 14, 15, 19, - bright, but not the only proof of it. The authority is such in a hurry to create condominiums that in the house 19 on the Lomonosov Avenue 5 dead people and several people who went on a long trip abroad voted for the Association. Similar examples exist in Kuzminki, Marino, and Strogino..., 13.04.2010


State Duma deputy from the Communist Party, Vladimir Rodin injured in a traffic conflict, in the police deputy stated about the "moral damage", caused to him.

"The announcement came to the police station in the Western District. The deputy of the Communist Party of Russian Federation told about the road conflict, happened to him at the exit from the Kutuzovskiy Prospect: neither he nor the car were not injured physically, but the people's elected suffered moral damage ", - quotes RIA Novosti news agency a source in law enforcement. According to him, the opponent of the deputy has been set and claimed to the police station.

"Arguments and facts", 07/20/2013


The city law enforcement authorities are checking on the application of the State Duma deputy from the Communist Party on the beating.

As a law enforcement source told "BaltInfo", the night before 64-year-old Vladimir Rodin, a State Duma deputy from the Communist Party, known as the initiator of the restoration of the monument to Dzerzhinsky on Lubyanka Square, addressed in police with a statement of illegal actions.

"According to the deputy, Vladimir Rodin, July 8 at 19.45 Moscow time in the premises of the Council of Veterans of Justices of Moscow Lomonosov district the officer of the Justice didn't give the deputy to act and push him out of the room. The incident took place during a meeting of district residents at a public hearing on surveying the land in residential areas. Vladimir Rodin pointed out in his statement that the wrongful acts were committed by the legal department council; it was not possible to interrogate him yet”, - said the interlocutor of "BaltInfo".

"BaltInfo" 07/09/2015


Sign for the statue of Dzerzhinsky is illegible.

CPRF is finalizing a referendum on the return of the monument on Lubyanka

The collection of signatures began on 29 June. For a month the Communists must collect 146 thousand signatures. Muscovites. Head of the Moscow City Party Committee, State Duma deputy Valery Rashkin told "Kommersant" that the Communists expect to collect the required number of signatures by Monday.

State Duma deputy from the Communist Party, Vladimir Rodin, who "works" at the metro station "University", has their own tactics. Parliamentarian arrives at the place an hour later than the scheduled time and explains: "I was rescuing the detained collectors; police detained an activist of 75 years old, despite the fact that the collection of signatures is not intended to obtain a permit, it's not a rally." After the activists’ unfurled tables, spread copies of newspaper "Pravda" and other agitation materials, Deputy Rodin started talking to people, coming out of the subway. His assistants are blended in with the crowd. They managed to collect 60 signatures for a couple of hours

The newspaper "Kommersant" 07.20.2015


In January last year an assassination attempt was made on the Moscow businessman Miri Ugurliev when he came out of his own car service on the street. Neverovskogo, 8. Four men attacked Ugurliev and beat him by fittings. "My both legs have been broken, they said: leave Russia or we will kill you", - told Ugurliev to "Izvestiya". After a few months the entrepreneur and his staff were forced to get out of the premises belonging to him. Financial damage, entrepreneur suffered, exceeded, according to him, 20 million rubles.

Miri Ugurliev believes that his business was subjected to raider attacks. Cooperation with CJSC "Gorod" and personally with Vladimir Rodin could bring a businessman to such finale. Prior to 2002, "Grandesteytservice" LLC was called "Industrial and Commercial Company" Remstroyservis" and was registered at the same address as “Gorod”- Kremenchugskaya street 9. Under this name, company of Deputy Rodin figures in the scandal with the raider seizure of the warehouse - Hangar area of 602 square meters, located in Moscow at the address: Neverovskogo Street, 8, p. 12.

In January last year unknown people, as reported above, beat Ugurliev and broke his legs, and in March - just seized auto repair, opening fire and twisting security. Then Ugurliev learned about the existence of "RashnKonsalting" LLC.

"Employees of Private Security Company" RashnKonsalting"(partner of CJSC "Gorod"), accompanied by 10 employees of DIA at West Autonomous District Research Affairs of Russia in Moscow broke into the territory of the company "Avtoshans XXI Century" LLC at the address: Neverovskogo Street, 8, bldg. 12. In fact, a raider seizure was implemented, as the attackers did not show any sanction of a prosecutor or a court judgment or written order of the head of the Internal Affairs General Directorate of West Autonomous District of the Department of the Interior of Russian Federation. As it turned out, raider seizure was carried out on the initiative of "RashnKonsalting". Management of the company does not hide that it was in charge of this special operation. During raider attack, which was nothing more than a robbery, property and equipment of "Auto-chance XXI century" LLC was captured for a total amount of 20 (twenty) million rubles, "- writes Ugurliev in a letter to Russian president.

"Novaya Gazeta" 02.24.2016


Rodin also noted in "foreign policy." It is not difficult to guess that we are talking about the support of the project "Novorossiya". Rodin seems to be involved in the collection of humanitarian aid, and often went to Donbass. But, having familiarized with the details of his activities, it is easy to note that deputy's activity is not going beyond words. So when in January 2016 he was approached for help in connection with the closing of the exhibition "Museum of Novorossiya" in St. Petersburg, deputy suddenly declared that "it is not interested to him."

Maybe Vladimir Rodin is more interested in saving a place in the State Duma, which allows him to lobby certain business interests. And the longer a Communist Deputy present on Okhotny Ryad, the richer he becomes. If we compare the Communist income before election to the Duma and the present, the difference between them is more than 13 times: 17.3 million rubles in 2014 against 1,3mln rubles in 2010.

Later Vladimir Rodin managed to become a successful businessman. His main asset is CJSC "City" founded in 1993 (when "Hopper" still was collecting money from citizens with might and main); today it is a holding company. It provides services in asset management, technical operation, commercial management, etc. of nonresidential. It serves more than 300 thousand sq. m of non-residential property in the capital and its suburbs. The Moscow government and "Rosneft" are one of the most reputable customers.

In addition to Rodin the co-founders were Leonid Novozhilov and Igor Verigin. In 2014, the company was transformed into LLC and since then has only one founder - Novozhilov that in September last year, transferred his full powers to General Director Vladislav Strashnenko. That, in turn, is the owner of the group Aktavest property management companies with which CJSC "Gorod" came together in summer of 2015.

Much longer Rodin stayed at the post of the General Director of CJSC "Gorod-zhilservis" - or rather, until April 2015, when it was liquidated and excluded from the register.

The law "On the status of the State Duma of the Federation Council and the status of the deputy of RF Federal Assembly," reads: people's choice has no right to engage in commercial activities and to enter into commercial companies controls. You can lose mandate ahead of schedule for this. Precedent exists: in 2012, Deputy Powers of the Member of Parliament Gennady Gudkov, who, according to colleagues was engaging in commercial activities, were terminated.

We think that the case of Vladimir Rodin is also a worthy subject of a special discussion at the parliamentary commission on ethics. Of course, Rodin could say that made a technical mistake and forgot to sign the paper about the resignation from the director's office. Or even that this mistake was made by the public authorities responsible for entering data in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. 02/24/2016


The National Anti-Corruption Committee (NAC) has sent to the General Prosecutor's office and the Investigative Committee an inquiry on the audit of activities of State Duma deputy Vladimir Rodin.  The head of the organization Kirill Kabanov told "" about it on Monday, February 29.

According to him, the NAC received complaints from citizens, who accuse the people's choice in the raider attacks. Materials about Rodin activities also were previously published in mass media. "We sent a request to the General Prosecutor's office and the Investigative Committee, since it is their jurisdiction. The facts that are set out there, are loud enough and give grounds to say that this is actually the application of crimes ", - he said.

NAC Director indicated that his organization regularly sends requests for different categories of officials and deputies. "If the facts are confirmed, the consequences can be up to the criminal prosecution," - said Kabanov.

It follows from the complaints, received by the Anti-Corruption Committee, that the deputy did not leave a business after his election to Parliament in 2011. "Until the middle of January 2012, he held the position of General Director of "Grandesteytservice" LLC, which he owns (100 per cent stake)," - said in NAC queries. Moreover, according to available information, Rodin to April 2015 led his other structure - "Gorod-zhilservis". NAC believes that the people's choice broke the law "On the status of the State Duma, the Federation Council and the status of the deputy of RF Federal Assembly," which prohibits the members of the Federal Assembly to engage in commercial activities and to enter into commercial structures controls.

According to the committee, the deputy may also be involved in lobbying the interests of the firms he controls. Thus, it is indicated in the NAC requests to law enforcement agencies that his work on the structure of market management and technical operation of non-residential also "service office buildings, including the state-owned entities, such as the Moscow government and the company" Rosneft ". Also, the business of the deputy was involved in the construction of Olympic facilities in Sochi in 2014, pointing in the NAC.

The organization led Rodin income data. Before entering government service, he received 1.29 million rubles in 2010, and already 17.262 million rubles in 2014, of which 13 million amounted "dividend from the activity of "Grandesteytservice" LLC in 2014", - noted in the NAC. At the same time they stated there that deputy didn't specify this source of income on the website of the State Duma.

Besides the suspicion of commercial activities and lobbying for their business, Anti-Corruption Committee asks to check for involvement of Rodin in raider seizure of "Auto-chance XXI Century»....

"In addition, colleague of Ugurliev M.A. Sergey Agureev, who accuses Rodin V.R. in attempts to prevent his activity as an individual entrepreneur and money extortion, addressed to the State Duma and the police. On the facts of money extortion Agureev and his colleague Alexey Potapov filed a complaint with the police department of Dorogomilovskoe internal affairs agencies of Moscow ", - stated in the request of the NAC.

Rodin was elected in 2011 on a federal list of candidates nominated by the Communist Party. The parliamentarian is part of the Duma Committee on Property.

"To" 02/29/2016

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