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Hapsirokov Nazir Hazirovich

23.02.2018 22:42
Hapsirokov Nazir Hazirovich



Born in 1952 in the village Khabez, Karachay-Cherkessia Autonomous Republic. He graduated from the Pedagogical and Legal institutions. After school he worked as a mechanic at the mining plant, served in the army.

Since 1976 - the second secretary in Karachay district committee of Komsomol, then the instructor of the District Committee of the CPSU. Subsequently, he headed a household combine, cinema. In 1984 he joined the building administration of greenhouse complex "Yuzhny", Glavmospromstroy. In the early 90’s he led AO "Yuzhny" and the Company "Yuginvest”. In 1994 he became head of the administration of the General Prosecutor's Office.

Source: "Kommersant» ? 18 (2148) on 02.02.2001



He headed the financial directorate of the General Prosecutor's Office.

In 2000, after the dismissal of Prosecutor General's Office, Hapsirokov moved to

International Industrial Bank, under supervision of Sergey Pugachev.

In early 2001, he became Assistant to Alexander Voloshin; so far - Assistant to the Head of the Presidential Administration of RF.

Hapsirokov is married and has two sons: Murat (26.01.1978) and Ungar (18.05.1985). Wife - Hapsirokova Zamira Narzanovna (maiden name Banova) was born on 25.01.1957 year.





According to the press, Hapsirokov came to the view field of law enforcement agencies in connection with criminal charges of theft of government property at the public service combine, which he had headed. The story did not end up with criminal prosecution of Hapsirokov only.

It was reported that by going to work in the Directorate of construction of greenhouse center (DCGC) " Yuzhny ", Hapsirokov engaged in a misappropriate trade. But instead of punishment, he was appointed as Chief of DCGC.

When in the late 90's Ustka built cottages for senior officials in the Moscow region, overruns of several hundred thousand dollars had been revealed. Deputy of Hapsirokov was put on wanted list, and Hapsirokov headed the company "Yuginvest”, through the accounts of which millions of dollars on contracts for the supply of grain and foodstuffs began to disappear.

The criminal cases filed in relation to the "Yuginvest” were closed in 1996 - by the time Hapsirokov had become a member of the Prosecutor General.

Source: "Tribuna", 28.07.2006, "NashaVersiya", 27.10.2008



As it was written in the press, Hapsirokov carried out many of his adventures together with the notorious banker Ashot Egiazaryan. It was reported that immediately after, Alexey Ilyushenko appointed Hapsirokov to the post of administrator of the Prosecutor General in late 1993, information appeared about the prosecutors’ budget scrolling through the Moscow National Bank" by Yeghiazaryan.

Sources: "Novaya Gazeta", 31.01.2000, "interlocutor", 21.12.2000



It was reported that Mosnatsbank was authorized in a number of governmental programs - from the delivery of food to the North - to the accounts services of the Federal Treasury. And besides – it has long been a designated bank of “Rosvoorouzhenie” and the Ministry of Defense.

And in the mid- about 100 million dollars was stolen 90’s from the cash of Mosnatsbank; it belonged to state-owned Rosvooruzhenie. The criminal case investigation revealed that Mosnatsbank took control over AKB"Unikombank”.

Unicombank lost budget funds of the defense group MAPO "MiG " and money from the budget of the Moscow region.

Sources: "Vremya novostey", 15.04.2010, "Dengi", 18.03.1998, "Novaya Gazeta" on 28.11.2005



And "Mosnatsbank" and "Unikombank" got happily burst. In the spring of 1999, the former chairman of the Central Bank, Sergey Dubinin told the press: when the question of Mosnatsbank’s insolvency arose, it was approached by a manager of the Prosecutor General's Office Hapsirokov and asked for a meeting with Yeghiazaryan taking part in it. By his words, Dubinin asked to postpone the revocation of the license from the bank, which still has been seized.

Kommersant ? 59 (1703) on 09.04.1999


As reported, Prosecutor General Alexey Ilyushenko lost his post due to Hapsirokov. A "Mercedes" appeared in the criminal case of Ilyushenko, which led him to "Matrosskaya Tishina". Its owner, Hapsirokov, explained to investigation, he gave the car to his boss to have a ride, and got burst on that.

"Tribuna", 28.07.2006


According to press reports, Hapsirokov spent more than a million dollars nowhere recorded for the housing arrangement of the new Prosecutor General, Yuri Skuratov,.

"Tribuna", 28.07.2006


According to press reports, in 1997, serviceable administrator proposed to privatize cottages in the village "Garden Uspenskoe” at the residual value. Journalists noted that along with cottages the land had been sold. According to some reports, the former chief military prosecutor Yuri Demin and both ex-deputies Skuratov - Rozanov and Chayka acquired villas in the exclusive site for 60 thousand dollars.

Interlocutor, 21.12.2000


Hapsirokov was mentioned in connection with the scandal around the restoration of the building of St. Petersburg Prosecutor's office on St. Isaac's Square. In 1995 he was awarded a contract for $ 5.6 million with the Turkish firm, which has received only half of the amount. From the prosecutor general's office side the contract was signed by manager Hapsirokov. The criminal case against the Turks in tax evasion was investigated by Prosecutor’s Office in Leningrad, it was closed there as well.

The press assumed that it was because Attorney General Ilyushenko could "go bust because of that history ", who had become interested in the activity of his protege Hapsirokov rashly.

Sources: Kommersant-SPB "? 68 (2198) on 17.04.2001," Nasha Versiya ", 27.10.2008, 19.02.2007 Kompromat.RU



Hapsirokov’s name was mentioned in connection with the extinction 70 billion rubles belonging to the Federal Food Corporation in Volgograd. It was reported that in December 1995, former deputy of Hapsirokov found a job of senior accountant there. Within a month he has transferred 100 billion rubles allocated by the State for the purchase of food from the FFC to the commercial accounts firms. And then he went back to work in the prosecutor's office under the supervision of Hapsirokov. Those commercial firms also got collapsed. A year later, as written in the press, they managed to return 30 billion rubles only. Police officers considered that some influential general prosecutor’s general was involved in the spin of 'food' billions in the commercial banks (inter alia, in Mosnatsbank).

"Sovershenno sekretno", June 2000, from 04.06.2001


As reported, the financial and economic activities of Prosecutor's Office in 1997 were tested by the Chamber. But the information obtained has never been made public. The journalists wrote, all of their requests to the Accounting Chamber and the Prosecutor's Office for information resulted in nothing.

The details had not been available even upon the request of the State Duma Deputy Yury Shchekochikhin. In 2001, in his letter to President Putin, he wrote that he had repeatedly inquired for the data about Hapsirokov from the Attorney-General and the Accounting Chamber as, according to his information, the criminal case against him had been stopped groundlessly. But the answer was, as follows: the requested documents contained state secrets.

Sources: "Moskovkskie Novosti", 19.09.2000, "Moskovskaya Pravda", 24.07.2006



As written in the press, the main patron of Hapsirokov is Boris Berezovsky. It was reported that Hapsirokov helped Berezovsky become a State Duma deputy from the Karachay-Cherkessia (Hapsirokov was born there), and then helped to softpedal the Aeroflot case. The press supposed that Berezovsky did was thankful and let Hapsirokov take the post of Assistant to Voloshin, although the latter was not happy about that at all.

Sources: "Nasha versiya", 27.10.2008, "Versiya" of 17.10.05



As written in the press, in 1998-2000 Hapsirokov's name was linked to a number of stories in which Hapsirokov actually performed the interests of people which were close to the Kremlin and the Family in the prosecutor's office.

Media published transcripts of negotiations of Hapsirokov with Alfred Kokh and Arkady Yevstafyev, with whose name the story about a box of cash is linked to.

Kompromat.RU 19.02.2007


Moreover, as reported, Hapsirokov lobbied candidacy of Vladimir Ustinov to the post of Attorney General through the environment of Boris Yeltsin.

As reported in the press, Hapsirokov should have known former Prosecutor of Sochi Ustinov after the successful privatization of the hotel "Electronics", which became the Black Sea domain of the General Prosecutor's Office.

"Moskovskie Novosti”, 19.09.2000


In 2000, the press published transcripts of telephone conversations, confirming the relation of Hapsirokov to representatives of the criminal world. For example, they published the negotiations between the leader of an organized criminal group Zilberman I.V. and Karetny M.D. (the then vice-governor of the Kaliningrad region), as well as between Zilberman I.V. and a man named Zhenya. Hapsirokov is referred in those talks as a man who could help "solve the issue" in the prosecutor's office.

"Sovershenno secretno", June 2000


In addition, as written in the press, with reference to the operational sources, Hapsirokov was known as a criminal "protection" of one of the Distillery factories in the Pushkinsky District, Moscow region. It was also reported that Hapsirokov and Yeghiazaryan had been maintaining personal relationship with a member of the Armenian OPG Safaryan Tevos. Mosnatsbank was supposedly monitored and supported by the leading Armenian clans in California.

Sources: "Novaya Gazeta", 15.11.1999, "Novaya Gazeta", 31.01.2000



As reported with reference to the operational sources, in the late 90's Hapsirokov's conditions of life did not correspond to the salary of the employee of Prosecutor General's Office. For example, it was found that Hapsirokov's family lived in the five-room apartment in the central Moscow, while the flat was registered on a stranger.

Source: "Novaya Gazeta", 15.11.1999



According to the reports referring to the operational sources, Hapsirokov is known as Haps among high-ranking officials and businessmen; under the same nickname he was known in the criminal environment. It was reported that the firm "Ivan-Gold", that Hapsirokov related to, was established by criminal authority Otari Kvantrishvili. According to some reports, in the mid-90's Hapsirokov along with then-Attorney General Ilyushenko received large budget for food supplies to the Far North and Kamchatka. The bulk of these funds, as reported, was to purchase caviar and valuable species of fish at bargain prices, and then was implemented though "Ivan-Gold”. The company Grintek ", in which Hapsirokov was also involved, by some reports, participated in major maintenance of Prosecutor General's office, then in the office of Deputy Attorney General Katyshev a listening device was found.

Source: from 10.07.2000



Hapsirokov was mentioned in the press in connection with the strange transfer of rights on the trademarks of Russian vodka "Stolichnaya", "Moscovskaya", "Russkaya", etc, as well as wine and brandy from the state "Soyuzplodoimport" to a certain ZAO "Soyuzplodimport" in late 1997. It was reported that the Prosecutor General's Office appealed the decision on re-registration of trademarks, effectively returning the rights to VVO which had not yet disappeared at that time. But further trials designed to bury the SOE, moved to the village Khabez in Karachay-Cherkessia, where Hapsirokov was born. In connection with the story the press wrote that in the Caucasus mountains the interests of the state and Hapsirokov along with his friends got crossed, who had actually seized vodka brands.

Source: from 18.06.2001, from 04.06.2001



Hapsirokov appeared in the press in connection with the scandal surrounding the elections of the head of Karachay-Cherkessia in 1999. First, he allegedly threatened the vodka king Magomed Kaitov to bring a criminal case for embezzlement of 83 billion rubles of the state. Kaitov could avoid the attention of law enforcement agencies by participating in the election campaign for Hapsirokov. So he was allegedly told by Hapsirokov.

Source: "Kommersant» ? 16 (317) from 27.04.1999



In addition, as written in the press, Hapsirokov was linked to provocation of disaoders in KChR, which was caused by the advantage gained at the elections by representatives of the Karachai elite, but not the Circassian. As reported, Hapsirokovu needed to destabilize the situation, in order to scare the federal government and force them to draw big money to the region and to obtain them.

Channel: Kommersant »? 30 (331) on 03.08.1999, compromising. Ru with reference to solomin, 19.12.2009


In 1999 Hapsirokov was mentioned in connection with a criminal case against the former prosecutor in the Stavropol Territory Yuri Lushnikov. Lushnikov said that he was a victim of Prosecutor General's office. From his words, he learned of the abduction of a loan of 400 billion rubles earmarked by the state on the development of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. In this connection,he opened a criminal case against Director of the company "Zhivaya Voda" Ivanov. As Lushnikov told, then manager Hapsirokov contacted him and demanded to close the case against Ivanov, and Lushnikov refused.

Source: "Kommersant» ? 41 (1685) on 16.03.1999



In the press there are assumptions that Hapsirokov had arranged an informal meeting of Prosecutor General Yury Skuratov and prostitutes, and then the scandalous film appeared . And also noted that the "bad" apartment allegedly belonged to his brother Ashot Yeghiazaryan - Suren.

Sources: "Novaya Gazeta" dated 28.11.05



Skuratov said that Hapsirokov was the person transferring an offer to quit on good terms. He assumed also that in general Hapsirokov took part in story of the compromising collection.

Sources: "Novaya gazeta" dated 28.11.05, "Moskovskie Novosti”, 19.09.2000



It was reported that Skuratov said to the press that his caretaker had greater power and repeatedly pressured him to demand the release of some persons through which Hapsirokov, "solved the problems”.

Sources: "Tribuna", 28.07.2006, from February 1, 2001



As written in the press, while Hapsirokov was an administrative manager, prosecutor general's office developed broad commercial activities. "Development Fund for Prosecution"was a so-called legal mean of earning; those enterprises using the services of the agency were required to allocate funds in there. It consisted of taking bribes. A semi-legal mean was scrolling of the funds allocated for prosecutors through the banks, as well as the usage of tricks when you place a arrested funds and bonds on deposit.

Source: "Moskovskie Novosti”, 19.09.2000



Hapsirokov was mentioned in connection with a criminal case against Deputy Finance Minister of Russia, Vladimir Petrov, who is believed to grant a bank 160 billion rubles of budget inappropriately. An investigator in the case of Petrov turned to acting Prosecutor General Ustinov, saying that, by the third parties, Hapsirokov received 1 million rubles as a bribe from Petrov. The investigator suggested that Attorney General verify this information. But in the end the investigator had to leave, and the case against Petrov was closed.

Source: from 08.02.2007, “Kommersant” ? 112 (1997) on 23.06.2000



As written in the press, moving to work at the presidential administration, in 2003, Hapsirokov almost bought through intermediaries a plot of 5 hectares in protected area of the Moscow suburb. Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, Moscow region prevented th purchase.

"Tribuna", 28/07/2006, "Moskovskaya Pravda", 07/24/2006



Name of Hapsirokov was mentioned in the media in connection with a criminal case on Mezhprombank's participation in capturing ZAO “Bashneft-IPC”. Reporters noticed that right after Haspirokov came to work in Mezhprombank, a criminal case on the machinations of the MPB migrated from the UK at the Interior Ministry to Ufa for investigation.



In the early 2000's Hapsirokov was mentioned in the press in connection with appointment of repeatedly convicted Raul Arashukov as Director General of Stavropolregiongaz, who had had the same to seize 22 million denominated rubles from Gazprom. The head of the region disagreed with the appointment of Arashukov, relative of Hapsirokov, and addressed to the Attorney General. But, as written in the press, Arashukov was rumored to be promoted by the relative from the presidential administration, which had lucidly explained the governor of Stavropol, who was going to command the boundary gas.

Source: from 18.06.2001, from 17.12.2001



In 2004 Hapsirokov was mentioned in connection with a criminal story, which turned into a struggle for the company "Kavkaztsement" in Karachay-Cherkessia. Seven shareholders of this company were shot. Relatives of those killed were accused of kidnapping and murder of Ali Kaitova,son-in-law of President in Karachay-Cherkessia Batdyev (Kaitov fought for the control over "Kavkaztsementom"). The country had demonstrations started demanding to arrest the president's son-in-law and dismiss the very Batdyev. Presidential envoy to the Southern Federal District Dmitry Kozak had to intervene in the situation. According to the press, Hapsirokov Kozak reportedly proposed a deal: Hapsirokov calms the relatives of those killed, and in exchange gets the opportunity to administer personnel policies in Karachay-Cherkessia.

In November 2004, at a meeting with Kozak one of the inhabitants of the republic said that " their countryman who now lives in Moscow, was directly involved in the unrest, and previously he had held high office in the Prosecutor General's Office». In the press Hapsirokov's desire to guide personnel policy in Karachay-Cherkessia was tied to the fact that normally they send additional financial resources in the unstable regions of Moscow; Hapsirokov could use them through his numerous relatives in senior positions in the republic. But Kozak reportedly rejected the offer by Hapsirokov, reporting to the president that conflicts and instability in the region had been flared by outside forces associated with corrupt clans of the local government.

Sources: "Tribuna", 28.07.2006, "Nasha Versiya" of 07.24.2006, 19.02.2007 Kompromat.RU



In September 2009, a letter of businessman Alexander Lebedev was published in Novaya Gazeta; it was addressed to Chichvarkin and mentioned Hapsirokov in the case of 1996-2000, concerning the abduction of $ 7 million from National Reserve Bank (NRB). Lebedev argued that Hapsirokov was among those people who tried to rob the bank from him. According to Lebedev, the mediator of that machinations was Fedorov, who managed to "reach" Egiazaryan brothers and omnipotent "Haps" in time; those were close friends with Attorney General looking like Mr. Skuratov.

Source: from 30.09.2009



According to the press, at the end of 2009 President of Adygea appointed the son of Hapsirokov - Murat Hapsirokov - the new ambassador of the Republic under President of Russia. It is reported that Murat was virtually unknown in Adygea, never worked or even lived there. In the press the designation was associated with the fact that the family of Hapsirokov has started the business development of Adygeya.

Compromising. Ru with reference to solomin, 19.12.2009


Hapsirokov was mentioned in press in connection with events in Karachay-Cherkessia in March 2010. It was reported that Hapsirokov managed to find a new "tool" to influence events in Karachay-Cherkessia. The "tool" was the advisor to management on internal politics of the Presidential Administration, in charge of Karachay-Cherkessia, Rinat Karchaa. March 2, 2010 Karchaa held in the village of Khabez (which is native to Hapsirokov) meeting with people who do not accept the policy of Khabez region and the republic leadership. It was reported that the speakers with the tacit consent of Karchaa insulted officials regions and republic's leadership at the meeting, and also proposed to divide the republic. And after the meeting a strange story occured: as Karchaa stated, in Cherkessk a brawl occurred between young people Circassian and Karachai by nationality. It was later revealed that there was no fight with nationalist overtones, and it was a family fight, in which the Circassians did not even participate. The press wrote that Hapsirokov's interest in the story was clear: he wanted to heat the situation, then to act as a conciliator and suppressor of the conflict.

Source: on 07.04.2010 with reference to the EA "Stringer"



The press wrote that Hapsirokov said about himself: "I'm not the first person in the prosecutor's office, and not the second one."

Interlocutor, 21.12.2000



According to the press, Hapsirokov joined the Attorney General without a legal education even.

"Vsluh.Ru, 23.10.2008



As, the disgraced ex-prosecutor Stavropol Yuri Lushnikov told the press in 1998, Hapsirokov built himself two luxurious "palaces" - in Cherkessk and in his native village Khabez. And then he was already flying on personal aircrafts.

"Novaya Gazeta", 01.12.1998



According to press reports, there used to be a suburban child camp in the place of Hapsirokov's personal residence in the village Khabez.

"Rossiyskie Vesti”, 07.12.2005



As written in the press, prosecutors called Hapsirokov "an agent of the Kremlin."

Segodnya, 11.08.2000

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